Roofing Stories: The Wrong Color Roof

Asscher Roofing Company 

Roofing Stories:

The Wrong Color Roof

Imagine having to pull into your driveway everyday after work only to look up at your house and hate the colors you see. Your roof is possibly one of the largest canvases of colors that exist on your home, and it lasts anywhere from 25-50 years if you don’t intend to replace it for cosmetic purposes. We were roofing for some local clients in Plymouth, IN and ran into some trouble with the color of the shingles - this is that story. 


What if that’s the wrong color?

And you’re supposed to have a new roof…

What Happened? 

The Asscher Roofing team was excited to start roofing on a new project, a prospective homeowner was in the process of purchasing his property and we were to replace the roof before they moved in. We worked with both the buyer, the seller, and their agents to make sure all factors were correct - however the day of the project, we found out the home seller had chosen a color that the new homeowner didn’t like. We were faced now with these problems: 

  • The shingles in the wrong color had already been delivered and the packages (or bundles) were waiting on the roof.

  • The delivery would require us to reschedule the work and relift the new shingles onto the roof upon delivery.

  • The Home Buyer would have to live with the color they didn’t like, and the Home Seller would need to wait until our replacement color arrived and we completed the work to finalize the transaction - with some additional costs per the change order.

When issues like these happen, your best solution is to lean on Diamond Standard Customer Service and put your community first. 

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Integrity Means Customer First.

That’s diamond standard roofing.

What Did We Do? 

The only roofing solution at a time like this is to communicate thoroughly, work with your community relationships, and do the right thing. We had to move quickly to ensure that the home would be ready once the new shingles arrived. After planning our strategy around how we could possibly solve this problem, we took the following actions: 

  • We communicated with all parties involved - making sure the seller, buyer, and agents were all up to date on communications.

  • We worked with our community relationships - our suppliers are a huge part of the success we have, thanks to their great work and communication we were able to switch out the bundles of the wrong color for the right one. 

  • We did the right thing - after removing the wrong color bundles, we protected the roof from any possible damage exposure and we re-scheduled appropriately to make sure we could continue servicing the community while ensuring that this client would also be taken care of in a timely manner. 

Sometimes mistakes happen, doing things right helps you catch them before they escalate, that’s why we learn from every roofing story we live through. 

Why this matters to us: 

We want everyone to see their roof as a diamond, a beautifully crafted capstone to your home. When you have to live with something you don’t like, that’s not a great life to have. Our mission to be the diamond standard roofing service compels us to put the community, client, and quality first - always. What did we learn from this story? There are a few lessons here: always check-in with your clients, treat your community kindly, and never give up on Diamond Standard Roofing Service. 

Want to get your roof story featured? Schedule an appointment for a free quote or if we’ve already completed your roof, and want us to share your experience with the community - contact us. We appreciate all your support, please like, share and comment! 

Thank you.